Friday 19 July 2013

A Last Minute Ball Gown

Last Friday was the Summer Ball up at the Officers Mess.

I obviously needed a new dress (always need new dresses) but what with one thing and another, managed to leave it until the week before to actually start the thing.  Not a sensible plan and certainly not the way to a calm and relaxed sewing session.  I also chose chiffon.  Chiffon has a mind of its own and behaves like a combination of a tantrum-fuelled two year old and a stroppy teenager.  Whatever I asked it to do it promptly didn't, and since I thought it would be ok to make the design up as I went along and not use a pattern, the result was sending me swiftly towards nervous breakdown.  A quick visit to my mum's soon showed the chiffon who was boss and disaster was avoided, the dress finished and all well with the world.  Here is the result of my week's stressing:

(rubbish photos, sorry!)

Soo worth the stress, I love my new dress!  "Never again with the last minute stitching!" I said.

So yesterday I started a new dress to wear to a wedding I am going to on Saturday.

Wouldn't life be dull without a bit of pressure....

1 comment:

  1. Oh! So beautiful.... so glad i was able to help you - it was really fun doing a bit of fitting and tweaking - and sooo much easier when not trying to do it on myself!!! It looks lovely, and clearly fits to a 'T'!!
