Sunday 16 November 2014

A Peek at Christmas!

I refuse to do anything Christmassy until the first of December, however, there are a few little jobs that I get to do a few weeks early.  It's a tiny peep at all the delicious Christmassy loveliness to come!

This week I made mincemeat, which is now quietly mulling in a dark corner.  Although the mulling process isn't entirely necessary, it does mean that you can make it in advance and forget about it, and then you're ready to start munching the very second we hit 1st December. (Recipe here!)

Sticky sweet spiced deliciousness that makes the whole house smell of Christmas!

I also dried some teeny satsumas to use in my decorations.  Either cut the skin with a knife, or stud with cloves, then thread onto a skewer and hang over a radiator for a week or so until they are completely dried out.

They make the house smell amazing when the radiator comes on!


  1. Does the skewer arrangement work on average radiator temperatures or are you walking round your house in a bikini?

  2. Haha, no my radiators are just on average temperatures, promise!
