Tuesday 3 February 2015

Home Alone

So Edward went off to sea again yesterday and I am all abandoned and alone once more.

I started the day totally wallowing in self pity and feeling sorry for myself, but by lunchtime, having spent the morning curled up in an armchair making my way through several cups of tea, too many chocolate digestives, a giant milky coffee and a couple of nice shiny magazines, I was feeling slightly better.  Still gloomy and sad, but now at the point where I could think about doing something productive and distracting rather than just wallowing.

My afternoon comprised cleaning dusting and baking, by which point things were looking up, it's hard to be gloomy when you have a lovely clean house that smells of baked things.

Today I went to Honiton to spend the day with a friend.  Honiton was picked purely because it was halfway between us both, but it turned out to have just the things we needed for a nice day out with a not-seen-in-a-long-time friend.

As soon as we arrived we headed straight for the nearest cafe and talked and talked over coffee.  By the time the main news had been covered we were getting peckish, so we nipped across to Boston Tea Party for lunch.  Suitably sustained, we then went to investigate the high street, pootling round the charity shops and rummaging in a fabulous antique shop.  (The best kind - rammed with teetering piles of things and reasonably priced!)

I was very restrained and managed to only purchase an ice cream scoop and a pair of sugar tongs; both quite obviously necessities one can't live without....

Exhausted by all our hard work, we then went for tea and buns to keep our strength up on the drive home.

The sky did glorious things on the way home which was a lovely end to a lovely day!

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