Monday 2 March 2015

Les Oeufs au Lait (Creme Caramel!)

Very useful recipe if you suddenly find yourself drowning in eggs!  The hens are picking up pace on the egg laying and I am suddenly getting 4 eggs most days now, which is quite a lot of eggs for one person to get through!  It's also such an easy pudding to make, either dressed up for a fancy supper or simply gloriously creamy comfort food.

6tbsp sugar
8 eggs
1 litre full fat milk
2oz/50g sugar
1tsp vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to gas mark 2.5/155C.

Brush your mould with melted butter.  You can use a tin or ceramic dish approx 8" across and 4" deep.

Put the 6 tbsp sugar in a pan with just enough water to dampen all the sugar.

  Heat gently until the sugar has completely dissolved, brushing down the sides of the pan with a damp brush/spatula if there are crystals up the side.  If you let it boil when there are still crystals then the whole thing will turn granular, so make sure it's totally crunch free before letting it boil!

Turn up the heat and simmer until the caramel starts turning golden.  Be careful not to over boil it as it will burn and taste bitter.

Pour into the base of the mould.

Heat the milk, sugar and vanilla extract until lukewarm.  (you can also do this in the microwave)

Whisk the eggs together in a bowl.  (slightly confusing photo - I made half the quantity so only used 4 eggs and was surprised with a double yolker!  Such clever chickens!)

Slowly pour in the warm milk, whisking all the while.

Pour the mixture into the mould and bake in a bain marie (- place the mould in another tray topped up with warm water and put the whole thing in the oven) for an hour and a half until golden and set.

Leave to cool completely, then loosen the edge with a knife.

Place a large plate on top, flip over and enjoy the satisfying slurp as the caramelly mass comes away from the mould.

Now all that's left to do is to tuck in to the smooth caramel infused custard and try not to eat the whole thing in one go....

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