Sunday 17 April 2016

Mathilda's First Birthday

Oops, what with one thing and another, and about fifty other things, I'm rather behind on my posts!  

For several months now I have been dreading this day, and suddenly and all too soon, it was upon us!  I can't believe that it was a whole year ago we welcomed the gorgeous Mathilda into the world and into our family.  It has been a year of such joy and love, and we are so blessed to have this delicious little creature in our lives!

We were so lucky that her birthday fell on Good Friday as Ed had the day off work and we were able to go on a gorgeous day out together.  We went down to Osterly Park in beautiful spring sunshine and wiffled about together in a birthday-ish sort of way,

In the end it was such a beautiful day we didn't bother going in the house but wandered round the grounds in the sunshine.

She loved looking at the animals and was completely obsessed with the ducks!

Annoyingly I made Mathilda a picnic but ran out of time to make us any lunch, so Mathilda scoffed some birthday sandwiches and we watched on hungrily.

Thus suitably birthday-ed we went home to baking and cooking and general party preparations...

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