Monday 3 June 2013

A Tidy Up

Now the sunshine is here I am feeling rather belatedly Spring-cleaning-ish.  Better late than never!

I blitzed the house in time for a party on Friday (musicals theme, lots of fun)

(Sandy from Grease)

and was then inspired to do a bit of sorting as well.  Spurred on by this (horror!):

I made this:

which is completely delicious.  A piece of leftover fabric from the kitchen blind and a spare bit from the front door curtain were just the ticket to make a little hanging tidy for Edward's Naval accessories (ships, not belly buttons).  I totally love it!

We then had a lovely afternoon on Sunday sorting out the garden, which looked very smart and smelt fabulously of cut grass when we'd finished.

The honeysuckle is out properly now and wafts the most fantastic smell across the garden.  


  1. Well Missee, that honeysuckle sure is beautiful.... but since the screen has stolen the scent, I think that your hangy-uppy-organisery thing is even more beautiful!!! Love it!!! :-)

  2. PS That cut grass is striking!!
