Thursday 16 January 2014

Distraction Tactic Number 1

I decided on Monday that I needed an all consuming task to keep me busy and distracted.  I reckoned Cleaning with a capital C was what was required.  It was the perfect thing!

The house had suffered somewhat from a week of packing-for-seven-months-away and also I-refuse-to-do-anything-apart-from-spend-every-single-minute-with-my-husband so was rather the worse for wear...  I tidied away all the teetering piles of things, I organised, I dusted, I hoovered (including moving things instead of the usual quick-sticks hoovering around things...), I polished, and then I even cleaned the windows inside and out.

It was, amazing.

(haven't yet managed to get rid of the spare fridge in our dining room, annoying annoying)

I cannot recommend enough a bit of pre-Spring cleaning for making the winter gloom more bearable.  As if to prove the point, it was in fact pouring with rain when I took the photos, hence the blurriness.

So now the house is lovely and clean and tidy and smells of beeswax polish and I have been extremely busy and distracted for a whole three days.....yikes, what's next?!