Wednesday 8 January 2014

Parsnip and Celeriac Mash

Apart from anything else, this is absolutely delicious.
It also happens to be low in carbohydrates which is perfect if you are on a post-Christmas recovery regime.

Optional creme fraiche or milk

Peel the parsnips and chop them into fairly small pieces.  Place them in a pan of boiling water with a pinch of salt.

Peel and chop the celeriac and add it to the pan when the water has come back to the boil.  When both are soft, drain and return to the pan with a knob of butter, a spoonful of creme fraiche (you can use a splash of milk if you absolutely can't get cream, but cream is better!), a spoonful of mustard and freshly ground pepper.

Mash until creamy and smoothish, add salt to taste and serve hot.

We had ours with lemon sole (sadly fried in a sea of butter, so sort of undoing the whole health thing, but yummmm) and sauteed garlicky kale.  No marks for presentation - I was in a tearing hurry, but no matter, it was still delicious.

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