Friday 3 January 2014

New Years Holiday

Having returned from all our Christmassy visits and gallivants, we settled into the second section of the holidays, which has comprised (thanks to the weather) mostly sitting by the fire with tea and cake and games.  It's secretly quite nice to have an excuse not to venture out too much, and we are making the most of hanging out together before Edward goes away to sea for a horribly long time in just over a week.

We had the loveliest New Year's Eve celebrations, just Edward and I in front of the fire.  I cooked a whole selection of delicious nibbly things to eat and we had bubbles and watched James Bond.  It was fab.  We had choux buns stuffed with goats cheese and caramelised onions, fois gras on toast, cruditees and dips, smoked salmon on baguette with lemony creme fraiche and .  We had to wait a bit before squeezing in some tiffin...

We did go out for the most fabulously blustery walk a couple of days ago, on a route picked out from one of our Christmas presents - a book of walks around Devon.  We left rather later than we should have done and ended up creeping about in near pitch darkness on the moor, hoping desperately to find the car before the beasts/Devil/any other of the creatures of the moor caught up with us.  We made it home in the end, and at least it didn't rain.

The weather has got viler and viler since then and we have only ventured out for brief bursts of cheek-tingling hair-ruffling, shrieking fresh air, only to hurry back to hot tea and squashy chairs.  The chickens stand about looking glum and rather like 3 little old ladies waiting for a bus.  They stand in one spot very very still for a while and then one will try and get even closer to the others and they suddenly look like one rather lumpy three headed chicken with lots of teeny tiny sticky legs.  Poor chickens.  I did take them some consoling porridge as a treat which perked them up a bit.

Just realised there is a distinct lack of photos...sorry, been too busy, er....drinking tea....oops.

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