Saturday 25 January 2014

The Shoedown

Distraction number 2: polishing the shoes.

I had the most delicious time polishing all my shoes.  Now they are all lovely and shiny, and most importantly a lot more waterproof.


With polish

Mmm shiny and waterproof

This week has been full of lots and lots of little jobs and distractions and I have been flitting (hmm...sometimes, but mostly running) from one to the next all week.  Luckily there were plenty of lovely things sprinkled in amongst all the jobs!

I invited some of my lovely new friends round for a girl night.  We had pizza and a chocolately-peary-meringue-y thingy and drank wine and chatted and it was FAB.

I found a sunny 5 minutes and raced out for a walk to make the most of it.  

I finally plucked up the courage to use our new microwave.  We've never had one before and I thought it would be useful to be able to heat up one-portion meals while Edward is away without having to play with saucepans and therefore extra washing up.  We found one at a very bargain price in the sales after Christmas, but haven't used it yet as I have been soo nervous that maybe if I used it I would blow the house up with my terrible lack of knowledge and skills.  Armed with the instruction manual (which comes in large writing and pictures) I finally decided to take the plunge, and managed to make porridge without any problems...success!  It was delicious, it took two minutes, and it didn't end in porridge cemented to my saucepan.

Tea and scones on Friday afternoon was the perfect end to the week!

Oh dear, just re-read this and realised how sad my life is, why did polishing my shoes make me quite so happy?!

1 comment:

  1. Because the best things in Life are the simple things; the most satisfying things are those we have to work for; and 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness', as the Victorians said, so that makes you feel virtuous!! It's probably for the same reason that the last photo, of a simple little tea and scones makes MY heart sing (even though it is an impossible pleasure!) Enjoy the polishing m- and just remember, in the old days, you'd have been polishing the silver every few weeks too!!
